dinsdag 17 maart 2015

Equinox women drumming-dancing circle

Join us for a women drumming-dancing circle this coming Equinox, to let go off all that needed to die during winter, and open up to receive what Spring comes to offer.
We will be doing a healing ceremony, we'll drum and dance to release whats needed, and we'll finish with a womb renewal meditation, cleaning old limitting patterns, feelings, emotional and physical memories, in order to enter a new cycle lighter and more radiant.
All women are welcome!

With love, Sandra and Veronica

Sandra Koning is shamanic practitioner, auratouch healer and reiki master.
VerĂ³nica Berezowsky is a dance/movement therapist & yogini, specializing in holistic women’s health practices.

Date: Sunday 22, March - 19-20:30

Place: Delight yoga de clerqstraat 
Investment: Delight members - counts as a class
non Delight members - 15eur